Tip of the Week: Be More Than Prepared for a Corporate Headshot Shoot - from a top Toronto Corporate Headshot And Event Photographer

Tip of the Week: Be More Than Prepared for a Corporate Headshot Shoot - from a top Toronto Corporate Headshot And Event Photographer

The deposit check was in, the assistants booked, and the shots were planned. But the client still hadn't asked for final numbers and seemed pretty content to just “wing it” the next day at our shoot. 

Some photographers here in Toronto might find this a bit nail-biting — but for me, I see it as a great opportunity to really WOW the client. Simply by being more than prepared. 

A super relaxed approach is fine — but the details, the planning, they still need to be there so everyone can be relaxed on the day. To make sure I was more than ready for this shoot, I prepped a full treatment that included, shot list, call sheet, example photos, full detailed estimate and terms and conditions.

I made sure to include examples of poses and lighting for reference, a shot list, and even a rough timing for the number of photos I knew the client was looking to come out with. This meant I could arrive on the day of the shoot and know exactly how long it would take, but still give the client the level of flexibility I knew they needed to get the best photos done. 

Being more than prepared also means being specific. And that means talking to your client. What’s the final use of the photos? Will you need more horizontal than vertical layouts? Will these be running in a carousel on your homepage or blown up to hang in the office? It’s super important to understand the use and the audience with you prepare a detailed treatment. 

Bottom line: always aim to wow the heck out of your client so they know that you know what you’re doing. Above all, you want to inspire confidence in them that you’ve got all your bases covered and you can do what they need.

If you like this post please consider following my blog as well as my google page.

If would like to book a Toronto Corporate Headshot photo shoot with me, contact me today.

Toronto Corporate Headshot Event and Branding Photographer and Videographer 



Headshots on Location: Picture Day for Grown Ups - from a top Toronto Corporate Headshot And Event Photographer

Headshots on Location: Picture Day for Grown Ups - from a top Toronto Corporate Headshot And Event Photographer


Probably one of my favourite types of shoots is going on location to do headshots. When I was based in San Francisco, I was usually headed to really cool offices with incredible corporate cultures — places like SparkPR and Ammunition. But I’m not locked to San Francisco — I travel to my client’s offices and often will attend conferences for corporate shoots. This makes sure the shoot is on their time, which for busy executives at hot start ups is usually at a bit of a premium. 

Wherever we shoot, though, I can’t help but feel like I’m running some kind of crazy Picture Day for grown ups. Especially when young, ambitious folks in their button downs and khakis are lined up out of the conference room door.

I think what separates a corporate shoot from the (often scary!) memory of picture day as a kid is the preparation that goes in, of course, and the wild variety of personalities and different corporate cultures that come out as I go from company to company. 

I still remember shooting with Derek Gillaspy of SmartRecruiters, former VP with Findly. Our shoot started with two shots, but then we added a creative third shot of him showing how he did his job on a white board. We used clear glass and he sketched out his plans — the photos that resulted were so different, and yet so honest. I couldn’t have planned for such a great result. 

More than anything though, I like helping people put their best foot forward. Maybe it’s a promotion at their company, or a new job in a new field. I like thinking that the photo on their LinkedIn page can play a role in helping people look their best for their careers. And that’s really what I love most about Picture Day.

If you like this post please consider following my blog as well as my google page.

If would like to book a Toronto Corporate Headshot photo shoot with me, contact me today.

Toronto Corporate Headshot Event and Branding Photographer and Videographer 
